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acupuncture without borders, world wide health mission, medical practitioner volunteers, acupuncturists abroad, acupuncture travels, international holistic medicine, world wide health care, whi, worldwide healthcare initiative, dr. eileen han


acupuncturists abroad, acupuncture travels, international holistic medicine, world wide health care, whi, worldwide healthcare initiative, dr. eileen han

Eileen Han, PhD, LAc

Founder & Supervisor

Eileen, the founder of WHI, is the principal of Essential Health Acupuncture, located in San Diego, CA. She is also the founder of The Academy of Acupuncture, and is the primary lecturer, instructor, and leader of Si Yuan Balance Method Acupuncture. Her vast experience has given her the skills to implement effective treatment protocols resulting in swift health improvements. Her drive is to expand people's accessibility to these efficacious treatments through humanitarian action in hopes of helping as many as possible achieve health and wellness. 


Antonio Alfaro, DVM, LAc


Dr. Alfaro is a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine specialist based in San Jose, Costa Rica. He is a retired professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine, UNA, Costa Rica (2005), and received his Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA) degree from the Chi-Institute of Chinese Veterinary Medicine in Gainesville, FL in 2004, and the Costa Rican Association of Veterinarians in 2006. He was the ground supervisor on WHI's first volunteer trip, which took place in San Jose, Costa Rica on February 2019. He continues to serve as a supervisor in some of our volunteer missions. 


Dr. Wen Shu Teng


Dr. Wen Shu Teng is an internationally trained Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, having started her training 20+ years ago in Taiwan. She has traveled to many countries and cities during her career, including China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macao, Brazil , New York, and Montreal. Her practice is located in Alexandria, Ontario. She collaborates with WHI by serving as a supervisor in some of our volunteer trips. 


Maxie Blasini, MS, CHC


Maxie is a certified health coach and student of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. She also holds a Master of Science in Physiology and Biophysics with a focus on integrative medicine, and is passionate about enhancing community and global health. She serves as the link between the organization, our volunteers, and our supporters. 

Our Staff

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